Sunday, February 9, 2014

Saturday Spotlight and Burlap Feed Sacks

There are a couple things that I had wanted to share with you yesterday but I was really really sick, well actually first my son was really really sick, it has been a long week to say the least. We are both feeling semi-unzombie like finally so I wanted to let you know that I was honored to be Susan's from Must Love Junk Saturday Spotlight Blogger  yesterday! You can head over there if you want to read a little bit about me and my family. Like I wrote in the post, I was a little hesitant at first because I am so private and I have always been really self-conscious but I have received so many wonderful comments and emails from people and I am so glad I did it! While I was laying there sick it was wonderful to read all the of the nice things you guys had to say. And I have gained quite a few more followers, so many thanks Susan:)

One of the other things I wanted to share with guys were these awesome burlap feed sacks that I found at the Online Fabric Store.

It is a burlap feed sack style bag with a reproduction print on it, they have 2 styles and are only $9.05 each (actually they were $9.95 when I bought mine) plus the shipping is super cheap.

I was looking on Ebay for some grain sacks to drape over the backs of my chairs when I saw an advertisement for these. I couldn't believe the price and they were perfect for what I wanted them for, plus they are that wheat color that I love so much.

I figured you guys would want to know about these!!! If you didn't already:/

The other one has a cow on it and you know how I feel about cows:)

We are putting up the trim along the ceiling in the family room today so if all goes as planned I will be able to show the whole room this week! FINALLY! Thanks again for all of the sweet and thoughtful comments and emails you guys send me, they always make me smile, even when I am a zombie:)


  1. I love those burlap sacks..I actually have the very same one with the cow on it. I stuffed mine with pillow stuffing . here is a link if you want to see .....

  2. I'm glad you and your son are feeling better. . . it's a nasty flu bug {ask me how I know}. . . I loved your segment on must love junk. Well done and illustrated.

    Call me a copy~cat. . . I ordered the same grain sacks you have. . . I have had one in my wishlist on Etsy for forever but it's nearly 200 bucks. . . Thanks for sharing. . .

    I wish you had a shop too, I'd be your bestest customer. . . hope you continue to feel better. . . ~d

  3. They are really great burlap sacks. Wouldn 't they make the most prim pillows!

  4. I enjoyed getting to know you a little bit better over at Saturday Spotlight. Kris featured me a few weeks ago and I, like you, hadn't really ever showed photos or talked about myself on my blog very much either.

    Have been pinning photos from your home for quite a while everything you've done and your style:-)

    Hope you are feeling better. I came down with something yesterday and don't have much energy today. Since we are still snowed in, I guess I'll just lay low today.

    Take care,

  5. Megan,
    I love the grainfeed sacks. The cattle feed one is awesome. Thanks for doing spotlight it was really fun to find you and learn more about you.

  6. i'm sorry to hear that you and your son have been under the weather. i hope you're both feeling better. i enjoyed your saturday spotlight feature very much and am glad to be following you now. i just love these grain sacks and the way you've draped them over the back of your chairs. sweet touch.

  7. So glad to find you! We live in an 1857 Farmhouse in Wisconsin. I am looking forward to following along on your adventure! Glad you are feeling better!

  8. the feature was lovely. i don't really have photos of myself on my blog either. hoping to climb that hurdle soon.

  9. Meg, I'm so glad you decided to be my spotlight! :)
    I love those grain sacks and have never heard of that site...I think I might have to order them!
    Hope you and your son are feeling your best soon!

  10. Hi Megan,
    You found a deal my friend, and I too love that wheat colour.
    Sorry to hear you have been sick over there, this terrible flu is going around and I happened to have caught is days ago waking up today to feeling maybe I will live :)
    But, if you have to be home not feeling well, your in to home to do so. Again it's a rural rustic home to love.

    Perhaps you might want to visit my place, I have some pottery plates I ordered some more from a blogger who has become a friend who's pottery style is so you as well. I posted about it on my new post. I think the wood tray and the plates would charm your home you will be surprised to know you could also love where I found the tray and how I removed the stained wax finish giving it the look you love so.

    See you soon when your feeling better.
    Rest in the calm of your surrounding beauty.


  11. i'm so glad i found you through susan's blog, and i just wanted to tell you how much i love your style, meg:) hope everyone feels better soon!

  12. Oh, I will have to pop over and take a look at these! LOVE the cow! :)
    Feel better soon,

  13. I enjoyed your feature over at Must Love Junk very much and I'm am loving your grain sacks draped over the chairs. My fav is the cow on of course since I can never have too many cows.

  14. So fun reading your guest post. Thanks for sharing about yourself. I so enjoy following your blog and LOVE, love your style.

  15. OH MY.. How beautiful your farmhouse is. I suspect I will see your home in magazines soon. I just found your home through a picture of your home on Bing Images. I just love your style.
    Thanks for the links to contacts and websites for some of your items used in your pictures.
    Tonita @
