Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Ironstone

I ran into a Goodwill on the way home from my parents yesterday and what did I see on the bottom shelf? This beautiful ironstone platter with SHAMROCKS on it, for $1.99! I couldn't believe it! What St. Patrick's  Day luck!  I looked it up in my ironstone book and it is the "Wheat and Clover" pattern.

And at the Goodwill near my parents house I found the other platters pictured below. I love the way they look all stacked together.

It has been snowy and cold here the last week, but that is okay with me, I have so much to do inside still before I start focusing my efforts outside.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  1. Great finds! The luck of the Irish (are you?) :)

  2. What a lovely find. The platters look so pretty together. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and yours.

  3. What a great platter you found. How neat.

    I love stacks and stacks of vintage white dishes all in different shades of white. Every little nick, every line of crazing, it is all beautiful.

  4. You have a beautiful collection
    of them stacked!

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